wpf - Writing out FlowDocument xaml with namespace using XmlWriter -
i've got collection of data needs converted .xaml file can later loaded flowdocument flowdocumentreader. don't directly instantiate paragraphs, runs, rather generate xaml create document later.
what i've tried:
i iterate through data, creating xelements paragraphs, runs, inlineuicontainers, etc. , build flowdocument structure fine , call:
xmlwriter writer = xmlwriter.create("output.xaml"); flowdocelem.writeto(writer); writer.close();
in consuming app, this:
flowdocument = xamlreader.load(xamlfile) flowdocument; flowdocumentreader.document = flowdocument; xamlfile.close();
but loading fails because doesn't know flowdocument is. flowdocument element looks so:
<flowdocument name="testdoc">
(there's no namespace there shed light flowdocument when read in.)
if hand edit .xaml , modify element be:
<flowdocument xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
then it'll load fine.
when creating xelement flowdocument, i've tried this:
new xelement("flowdocument", new xattribute("name", "testdoc"), new xattribute("xmlns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"));
but doesn't work either - gives me error if try create namespace attribute.
i can cheat , stuff xmlns element , call like
file.writealltext("output.xaml", fixedtxt);
but feels dirty , think i'm plain doing wrong.
while isn't prescriptive solution problem, does work:
by adding parsercontext xamlreader, able past problem loading flowdocument xml.
filestream xamlfile = new filestream("output.xaml", filemode.open, fileaccess.read); xamlreader x = new xamlreader(); parsercontext parsercontext = new parsercontext(); parsercontext.xmlnsdictionary.add("","http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"); flowdocument = xamlreader.load(xamlfile, parsercontext) flowdocument; flowdocumentreader.document = flowdocument; xamlfile.close();
try using xamlwriter
instead of xmlwriter
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