SQL Server triggers and sqlalchemy interference problem. Help needed -
i need have kind of 'versioning' critical tables, , tried implement in rather simple way:
create table [dbo].[address] ( [id] bigint identity(1, 1) not null, [post_code] bigint null, ... ) create table [dbo].[address_history] ( [id] bigint not null, [id_revision] bigint not null, [post_code] bigint null, ... constraint [pk_address_history] primary key clustered ([id], [id_revision]), constraint [fk_address_history_address]... constraint [fk_address_history_revision]... ) create table [dbo].[revision] ( [id] bigint identity(1, 1) not null, [id_revision_operation] bigint null, [id_document_info] bigint null, [description] varchar(255) collate cyrillic_general_ci_as null, [date_revision] datetime null, ... )
and bunch of triggers on insert/update/delete each table, intended store it's changes.
my application based on pyqt + sqlalchemy, , when try insert entity, stored in versioned table, sqlalchemy fires error:
the target table 'heritage' of dml statement cannot have enabled triggers if statement contains output clause without clause. (334) (sqlexecdirectw); [42000] [microsoft][odbc sql server driver] [sql server]statement(s) not prepared. (8180)")
what should do? must use sqlalchemy. if 1 can give advice me, how can implement versioning without triggers, it'd cool.
you should set 'implicit_returning' 'false' avoid "output" usage in query generated sqlalchemy (and should resolve issue):
class company(sqla.model): __bind_key__ = 'dbnamere' __tablename__ = 'tblnamehere' __table_args__ = {'implicit_returning': false} # http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/dialects/mssql.html#triggers id = sqla.column('ncompany_id', sqla.integer, primary_key=true) ...
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