algorithm - Find logo in desktop screenshot -
i need develop desktop application
1.) have list of different application logos (background transparent) e.g. ie, firefox, chrome, photoshop etc.
2.) user take screenshot of desktop , save image.
3.) application need search logos in screenshot image , tell logos present , where.
4.) used opencv, it's working, when user changes desktop background & captures screenshot, it's not working transparent area of logo getting desktop background content.
can provide solution or libraries open source, commercial job.
this easy using cross-correlation.
see answer this question.
- start desktop image , 1 template image each icon
- apply edge detection (e.g. sobel) desktop image , template images.
- throw away original desktop image , templates, won't need them anymore cause we'll using edge-detected images
- for each template
- do template matching would
- threshold maximum of result. if it's above threshold, have match @ position. otherwise, no match.
if icons aligned in grid on desktop, may able speed processing checking specific grid positions.
you can save lot of time knowing icons search for. if have access file system, *.lnk
files (or other extensions may interested in) in directory corresponds desktop (can't remember is, windows7 it's c:\users\misha\desktop
). tell what icons there on desktop. allow shorten template candidate list before go , template matching.
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