redirect - webview is not redirecting anymore (Facebook API in webos) -
i trying implement possibility post on facebook wall app. web application section.
it used work. did open following url in webview
and after user typed credentials , gives me neede permissions, webview redirected redirect uri ( including variable parsed code needed.
but of sudden not redirected redirect_uri anymore. redirected blank facebook page (
it work on pc browser , in webos browser, not in webview.
i wrote complete new application nothing webiveiw in it. main-assistant.js looks this.
function mainassistant(argfrompusher) { } mainassistant.prototype = { setup: function() { ares.setupsceneassistant(this); console.log("setup"); //this.controller.get("facetimes").mojo.clearcookies(); //this.controller.get("facetimes").mojo.clearcache(); this.controller.get("facetimes").mojo.openurl(""); this.controller.listen("facetimes",mojo.event.webviewtitleurlchanged,this.titlechanged.bind(this)); }, cleanup: function() { ares.cleanupsceneassistant(this); }, titlechanged: function(event){ console.log(event.url + " das ist die url"); } };
any ideas?
thanks in advance.
i wrote entire sdk facebook api example on blog
it's open sourced, guide give github address
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