When I create an iphone window based app, how to tell interface builder create window for retina pixel size? -
i hope create iphone window based app retina screen? found size of window in mainwindow.xib fixed. how adjust or there tell interface builder create window retina pixel size?
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there's no need in terms of various components layout in interface builder, it's based around points, not pixels - , iphone screens sizes same in points no action required.
in terms of images you're loading, need supply higher resolution (twice pixel size) versions, long these named "[original name]@2x.[extension]" they'll work automatically.
for more information on image naming, see "specifying high-resolution images in ios" section of resource programming guide , if want delve little deeper, there's discussion on "points versus pixels" within drawing , printing guide ios.
update - of iphone 5, iphone screens no longer same point size. :-)
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