c# - Deleting Multiple Rows from an Access Database -
i want delete multiple records access database using array. array loaded dynamically file names.
then query database, , see if database column values matching array values, if not delete it, if matches not delete it.
the problem that: following code deletes records irrespective of in condition.
arrays = directory.getfiles(sdira, "*", searchoption.alldirectories).select(x => path.getfilename(x)).toarray(); fnames.addrange(arrays); here have use loop didnt me out :( for(int u = 0; u < arrays.length; u++) { oledbcommand sqlcmd = new oledbcommand ("delete table1 name not in ("'+arrays[u]+"')",sqlconnection); using 1 foreach(string name in arrays) { oledbcommand sqlcmd = new oledbcommand("delete table1 name not in ('" + name + "')", sqlconnection); sqlcmd.executenonquery(); }`
one problem code confusing.
string [] = {"" 'a.jpg', 'b.jpg', 'c.jpg' "}
first, have double " in beginning,should one.
string [] = {" 'a.jpg', 'b.jpg', 'c.jpg' "}
then created string array 1 element,
a[0] = "'a.jpg', 'b.jpg', 'c.jpg'";
then foreach on natuarly ony executes once resulting in query:
delete table1 name not in ('a.jpg', 'b.jpg', 'c.jpg')
but when load array dynamically array
a[0] = 'a.jpg'; a[1] = 'b.jpg'; a[1] = 'c.jpg';
which execute 3 times in foreach resulting in following 3 queries
delete table1 name not in ('a.jpg') delete table1 name not in ('b.jpg') delete table1 name not in ('c.jpg')
after second 1 table empty.
you should try instead:
string[] names = { "a.jpg", "b.jpg","c.jpg","j.jpg" }; string allnames = "'" + string.join("','", names) + "'"; oledbcommand sqlcmd = new oledbcommand("delete table1 name not in (" + allnames + ")", sqlconnection); sqlcmd.executenonquery();
where names created dynamically ofcause , result in following query matching test:
delete table1 name not in ('a.jpg', 'b.jpg', 'c.jpg')
my preferred way dynamically fill array use list instead pure array fixed in size , change needs create new array.
you can loop on list eacy array.
list<string> names = new list<string>(); //or user var keyword var names = new list<string>();
then use add method add elements, loop needed.
then concatenation:
string allnames = "'" + string.join("','", names.toarray()) + "'";
and done.
or use
string[] filepaths = directory.getfiles(@"c:\mydir\", "*.jpg"); string[] names = filepaths.tolist().convertall(n => n.substring(n.lastindexof(@"\") + 1)).toarray();
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