c++ - How can I Always open server? -

i have code (my c++ socket server) don't know how can open. server close. when send client close itself. want wait others client , never closed. how can ? oh use multi-threaded too.

please,help me.

and here code

int main(void) {   handle hthread[3];   dword dwid[3];   dword dwretval = 0;    hthread[0] = createthread(null,0,(lpthread_start_routine)threadtwo,null,0,&dwid[0]);    dwretval = waitformultipleobjects(3, hthread, true, infinite);    closehandle(hthread[0]);   return 0; }  long winapi threadtwo(long lparam) {   wsadata wsadata;     socket listensocket = invalid_socket,            clientsocket = invalid_socket;     struct addrinfo *result = null,                     hints;     char recvbuf[default_buflen];     int iresult, isendresult;     int recvbuflen = default_buflen;      iresult = wsastartup(makeword(2,2), &wsadata);     if (iresult != 0) {         printf("wsastartup failed error: %d\n", iresult);         return 1;     }      zeromemory(&hints, sizeof(hints));     hints.ai_family = af_inet;     hints.ai_socktype = sock_stream;     hints.ai_protocol = ipproto_tcp;     hints.ai_flags = ai_passive;      iresult = getaddrinfo(null, default_port, &hints, &result);     if ( iresult != 0 ) {         printf("getaddrinfo failed error: %d\n", iresult);         wsacleanup();         return 1;     }      listensocket = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol);     if (listensocket == invalid_socket) {         printf("socket failed error: %ld\n", wsagetlasterror());         freeaddrinfo(result);         wsacleanup();         return 1;     }      iresult = bind( listensocket, result->ai_addr, (int)result->ai_addrlen);     if (iresult == socket_error) {         printf("bind failed error: %d\n", wsagetlasterror());         freeaddrinfo(result);         closesocket(listensocket);         wsacleanup();         return 1;     }      freeaddrinfo(result);      iresult = listen(listensocket, somaxconn);     if (iresult == socket_error) {         printf("listen failed error: %d\n", wsagetlasterror());         closesocket(listensocket);         wsacleanup();         return 1;     }      printf("waiting client\n");      clientsocket = accept(listensocket, null, null);     if (clientsocket == invalid_socket) {         printf("accept failed error: %d\n", wsagetlasterror());         closesocket(listensocket);         wsacleanup();         return 1;     }      printf("client acctped.\n");      closesocket(listensocket);      {          iresult = recv(clientsocket, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);         if (iresult > 0) {             printf("bytes received: %d\n", iresult);              recvbuf[iresult] = '\0';             printf(recvbuf);              char* testsend = "222 333\n444 555\n666 777" ;              isendresult = send( clientsocket, testsend , strlen(testsend)+1 , 0 );             if (isendresult == socket_error) {                 printf("send failed error: %d\n", wsagetlasterror());                 closesocket(clientsocket);                 wsacleanup();                 return 1;             }             printf("bytes sent: %d\n", isendresult);         }         else if (iresult == 0)             printf("connection closing...\n");         else  {             printf("recv failed error: %d\n", wsagetlasterror());             closesocket(clientsocket);             wsacleanup();             return 1;         }      } while (iresult > 0);      iresult = shutdown(clientsocket, sd_send);     if (iresult == socket_error) {         printf("shutdown failed error: %d\n", wsagetlasterror());         closesocket(clientsocket);         wsacleanup();         return 1;     }     system("pause");      closesocket(clientsocket);     wsacleanup();    return 0; } 

thank again.

you have use loop :)

basically, server main code must in loop, go forever ... while not stop it.

you should have :

// that's close pseudo code :)  while(notstoppedbymaster) {     // [...]     clientsocket = accept(listensocket, null, null);     handlerequest(clientsocket); }  // close listen socket here 

the handlerequest should handle request in thread. be attentive synchronization :)



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