flash - How to record / splice FLV clips? -
i'm working on application company wants create service users. company offers videos around 1.5 hours in length, , service want integrate ability user 'record' clips of larger video create, essentially, highlight reel. end result of service 3 minute video of user's favorite parts of huge 1.5 hour long video. make sense?
for sake of simplicity in asking question, imagine user interaction basic. user watches video, he/she can press 'record' record clip of master video. now... i'm aware of flvslicer thibault @ bytearray, i've thought surely there other approach recording / splicing / merging flv clips guy's framework.
and finally, question is: of have insight how might investigate best way create functionality aside using flvslicer? can't seem find other route "recording" clips videos this. (edit: vi gave fantastic response how accomplish outside of flash app, curiosity still aimed @ if can done purely within flash. high 5 though, vi!)
thanks input,
for example, use ffmpeg/mkvtools:
ffmpeg -i video.flv -ss 00:00:05 -t 00:00:10 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -y test1.mkv input file start time length ffmpeg -i video.flv -ss 00:00:45 -t 00:00:10 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -y test2.mkv mkvmerge -o test.mkv test1.mkv + test2.mkv
test.mkv contain 0:05-0:15+0:45-0:55 video.flv. no re-encoding => no quality loss.
but if have source video not encoded flv it's may better prepare video raw first , encode flv last step. slower, more correct , flexible.
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