How to customize the button and label text size for each field separately in blackberry application? -
i new bb application. want customized size button text , label text.
i using code
try { fontfamily alphasansfamily = fontfamily.forname("bbalpha serif"); font appfont = alphasansfamily.getfont(font.plain, 9, ui.units_pt); setfont(appfont); } catch (classnotfoundexception e) { }
but using change size field using within constructor.but need different size different field .like title big size , other label text button text small size.
i guessing calling when creating screen setfont() changes font full screen.
you can call set font on required button or label , change font field e.g button.setfont(yourfont)
are calling setfont() explicitly on field wish change?
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