gorm - Grails: how to set a meta-constraint on domain class property? -
i have contact class belongs subscription , want set hypothetic readonly constraint on subscription property, consumed in scaffold templates.
the class looks like
class contact { static belongsto = [subscription: subscription] static constraints = { subscription(nullable: false, readonly: true) // hypothetic *readonly* constraint name(blank: false) email(blank: false, email: true) } integer id string name string email string description }
i found constrainedproperty.addmetaconstraint method "adds meta constraints non-validating informational constraint".
how call within domain class?
and how meta-constraint?
in scaffolding templates there property domainclass type org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.defaultgrailsdomainclass. these object has property constrainedproperties. have excess 'readonly' have this:
your domain class:
class contact { static belongsto = [subscription: subscription] static constraints = { subscription(nullable: false, attributes: [readonly: true]) } string description }
in scaffolding template:
def ro = domainclass.constrainedproperties.subscription.attributes.readonly
the defaultgrailsdomainclass has constructor attribute type class maybe can this:
def domainclass = new defaultgrailsdomainclass(contact.class) def ro = domainclass.constrainedproperties.subscription.attributes.readonly
maybe there factory this, don't know.
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