iphone - presenting viewController after contact has been selected in peoplePickerNavigationController? -

i having little problem -

(btw have looked on how can present modal view controller after selecting contact? didnt me)

basically want let user select contact using - peoplepickernavigationcontroller. after selection want presentmodalviewcontroller use personref data. can see "add person" method called iphone not present view.

update - works if cancel animation in dismiss dismissmodalviewcontrolleranimated , in presentmodalviewcontroller, looks pretty ugly.

this function called after user selects contact -

- (bool)peoplepickernavigationcontroller:(abpeoplepickernavigationcontroller *)peoplepicker shouldcontinueafterselectingperson:(abrecordref)personref {       temprecordid = abrecordgetrecordid(personref);      bool hasdeletedate = [globalfunctions checktoseeifinhibye:temprecordid];      if (hasdeletedate) {         [globalfunctions alert:nslocalizedstring(@"", @"") ];     }else{          [self addcustomvaluesafterselection];         [self dismissmodalviewcontrolleranimated:yes];     }       return no; } 

this function called still view not presenting -

- (void)addperson {     nslog(@"@2");     addviewcontroller *addviewcontroller = [[addviewcontroller alloc] initwithstyle:uitableviewstylegrouped];     addviewcontroller.delegate = self;      // create new managed object context new book -- set persistent store coordinator same fetched results controller's context.     nsmanagedobjectcontext *addingcontext = [[nsmanagedobjectcontext alloc] init];     self.addingmanagedobjectcontext = addingcontext;     [addingcontext release];      [addingmanagedobjectcontext setpersistentstorecoordinator:[[fetchedresultscontroller managedobjectcontext] persistentstorecoordinator]];       addviewcontroller.person = (person *)[nsentitydescription insertnewobjectforentityforname:@"person" inmanagedobjectcontext:addingcontext];     addviewcontroller.hibyegroupid = [datasource hibyegroupid];     uinavigationcontroller *navcontroller = [[uinavigationcontroller alloc] initwithrootviewcontroller:addviewcontroller];      [self.navigationcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller:navcontroller animated:yes];      [addviewcontroller release];     [navcontroller release]; } 

thank much.

just don't dismiss people picker , present controller modally on top of it. if afterwards dismiss controller @ point dismiss people picker instead (from caller/parent) , viewcontroller dismissed too.

from apple docs:

dismissmodalviewcontrolleranimated: … if present several modal view controllers in succession, , build stack of modal view controllers, calling method on view controller lower in stack dismisses immediate child view controller , view controllers above child on stack. when happens, top-most view dismissed in animated fashion; intermediate view controllers removed stack.


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