c++ - How to serialize a CString using boost -
i'm trying use boost::serialization replace 1 part of existing project implements own methods serialization not good. however, i'm facing problems because application uses mfc. tried serialize cstring follows
template<class archive> void save(archive & ar, cstring & s, const unsigned int version) { using boost::serialization::make_nvp; const std::basic_string<tchar> ss((lpctstr)s); ar & make_nvp("string", ss); } template<class archive> void load(archive & ar, cstring & s, const unsigned int version) { using boost::serialization::make_nvp; std::string ss; ar & make_nvp("string",ss); s = ss.c_str; }
but i'm getting errors
boost_1_45_0\boost\serialization\access.hpp(118): error c2039: 'serialize' : not member of 'atl::cstringt'
in access.hpp says
// note: if compile time error here // message like: // cannot convert parameter 1 <file type 1> <file type 2 &> // possible cause class t contains // serialize function - serialize function isn't // template , corresponds file type different // class archive. resolve this, don't include // archive type other serialization // function defined!!!
so imagine cstring has serialization due mfc.
now i'm wondering, can do? there workaround? i'm trying avoid redefinition of cstrings std:string because there many of them, implies re entire project.
also, want serialize carray i'm getting same type of error, serialize not member of carray.
edit: the cstring problem fixed adding
template<class archive> inline void serialize(archive & ar, cstring & s, const unsigned int file_version) { split_free(ar, s, file_version); }
i don't know why macro doesn't work. however, i'm still facing problems carray. tried simple solution
ar & make_nvp("carray",mycarray);
but doesn't create xml. , tried iterate on array this
for(int i=0; < mycarray.getcount(); i++) { myclass* m = (myclass*) mycarray.getat(i); ar & boost_serialization_nvp(m); }
but isn't calling serialization of class. there straight forward way serialize arrays std::vector or std::list in boost examples?
you can use save
, load
if working class can add boost_serialization_split_member() definition of. since can't string, need implement boost serialization in terms of serialize
template<class archive> void serialize(archive & ar, cstring & s, const unsigned int version) { std::string ss(s); ar & ss; s = ss.c_str; }
this less efficient, should @ least compile.
edit: actually, can split free function, need add along save , load functions:
#include <boost/serialization/split_free.hpp> template<class archive> inline void serialize(archive & ar, cstring & s, const unsigned int file_version) { split_free(ar, s, file_version); }
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