respond to hyperlinks in Three20 TTStyledTextLabel iphone -

im using of three20 source code show hyperlinks text twitter, far i've managed map "*" urls class ttwebviewcontroller using.

[map from:@"*" toviewcontroller:[ttwebcontroller class]]; 

but want able return previous view (where twitter feed being shown), done in tttwitter sample project don't understand how done, seems obscure me , haven't find in documentation.

i don't understand why map every class url, , how navigator knows how initiate , manage different classes, example in case never have control on ttwebcontroller, because have wrapper class intantiates webcontroller , place inside uinavigationcontroller wouldn't know twitter url need load;

any pointers appreciated, if knows three20 tutorial great.

when using ttnavigator should create our view controllers using ttnavigator.and should map our view controller url schemes.

when ttnavigator called first time in app (in case through ttstyledlabel) creates base navigation dont see button since in whole new navigation controller.

therefore should map twitter feed view controller url , ask ttnavigator open url in app delegate.

something in app delegate should work you.

 ttnavigator* navigator = [ttnavigator navigator];  navigator.persistencemode = ttnavigatorpersistencemodenone;   [self.window makekeyandvisible];   tturlmap* map = navigator.urlmap;  [map from:@"*" toviewcontroller:[ttwebcontroller class]];     [map from:@"app://feed" toviewcontroller:[twitterfeedviewcontroller class]];   if (![[ttnavigator navigator] restoreviewcontrollers]) {      tturlaction* urlaction = [tturlaction actionwithurlpath:@"app://feed"];      [ttnavigator navigator] openurlaction:urlaction];  } 


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