vbscript - Script timesout in the middle of execution -
i wrote small script re-organize .mp3 collection. when run script, process several thousand files till hit error condition (normally move of file had special character in name/path hadn't counted for), exit script text
script execution time exceeded on script "c:\devspace\mp3move.vbs". script execution terminated.
im not sure why happening. in effort figure out occured added several msgbox lines, , found msgbox popup, auto-close quickly.
here code - appoligize not getting formatting correctly in forum
'takes .mp3 files in source dir, reads artist tag associated file 'checks dir named after artist in destination dir 'if folder artist/album not exists, create 'then move .mp3 file dest dir dim oappshell, ofso, ofolder, ofolderitems dim strpath, dim sinfo idebug=0 sinfo = "item description" strpath = "k:\_preprocess" sdestination = "k:\music" set oappshell = createobject("shell.application") set ofso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if not ofso.folderexists(strpath) wscript.echo "folder " & strpath & " inaccessble" end if set ofolder = oappshell.namespace(strpath) set ofolderitems = ofolder.items() screate = "" sexist = "" smoved = "" if (not ofolderitems nothing) if ofolderitems.count = 0 wscript.echo "no files found in folder: " & strpath wscript.quit end if if idebug = 1 = ofolderitems.count wscript.echo end if each oitem in ofolderitems if idebug = 1 = - 1 end if if oitem.type = "mp3 audio file (mp3)" or oitem.type = "mp3 format sound (.mp3)"_ or oitem.type = "windows media audio file" or oitem.type = "mp3 format sound" 'get artist name sartist = ofolder.getdetailsof(oitem, 20) if idebug = 1 msgbox oitem.name msgbox sartist end if 'if 'the beatles' change 'beatles, the' if instr(lcase(sartist),"the") = 1 sartist = mid(sartist,5) & ", the" end if 'remove \ band name if instr(sartist,"\") > 0 sartist = replace(salbum,"\","") end if if instr(sartist,"/") > 0 sartist = replace(salbum,"/","") end if if idebug = 1 msgbox sartist end if 'if folder not exist create 'msgbox sdestination & "\" & sartist if ofso.folderexists(sdestination & "\" & sartist) 'msgbox "exist" sexist = sexist & sdestination & "\" & sartist & " exists" & vbcrlf else 'msgbox "create " & sdestination & "\" & sartist rtn = ofso.createfolder(sdestination & "\" & sartist) screate = screate & sdestination & "\" & sartist & " created" & vbcrlf end if 'get album name salbum = ofolder.getdetailsof(oitem, 14) 'remove special characters album name if instr(salbum,":") > 0 salbum = replace(salbum,":","") end if if instr(salbum,"?") > 0 salbum = replace(salbum,"?","") end if if instr(salbum,"...") > 0 salbum = replace(salbum,"...","") end if if instr(salbum,"/") > 0 salbum = replace(salbum,"/","") end if if instr(salbum,"\") > 0 salbum = replace(salbum,"\","") end if 'create dir artist/album if ofso.folderexists (sdestination & "\" & sartist & "\" & salbum) 'sexist = sexist & sdestination & "\" & sartist & salbum & " exists" & vbcrlf else 'msgbox sdestination & "\" & sartist & "\" & salbum rtn = ofso.createfolder (sdestination & "\" & sartist & "\" & salbum) 'screate = screate & sdestination & "\" & sartist & " created" & vbcrlf end if 'move file ssource = strpath & "\" & oitem.name & ".mp3" sdest = sdestination & "\" & sartist & "\" & salbum & "\" if idebug=1 msgbox ssource & vbcrlf & sdest end if if ofso.fileexists (ssource) ofso.movefile ssource, sdest 'smoved = smoved & ssource & " moved " & sdest & vbcrlf 'msgbox smoved else msgbox ssource & " not moved" end if end if if idebug = 1 wscript.sleep 1000 wscript.echo end if next if idebug=1 wscript.echo end if 'msgbox screate 'msgbox sexist 'msgbox smoved end if
you should set wscript.timeout
property higher value.
see example here
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