php - Database structure for social login implementation? -

in application, have "user" table have following structure.

create table if not exists `users` (   `userid` int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,   `username` varchar(128) not null default '',   `password` varchar(32) not null default '',   `email` text not null,   `newsletter` tinyint(1) not null default '0',   `banned` enum('yes','no') not null default 'no',   `admin` enum('yes','no') not null default 'no',   `signup_ip` varchar(20) not null default '',   `activation_key` varchar(60) not null default '',   `resetpassword_key` varchar(60) not null default '',   `createdon` datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',   primary key  (`userid`) ) engine=myisam  default charset=latin1 auto_increment=27 ; 

i want implement social login via facebook, twitter , openid in application, statckoverflow did. please suggest me change require in db , how logic implemented in php, alongside existing login facility.


i suggest introduce concept of authenticationprovider:

create table if not exists `authenticationprovider` ( `providerkey` varchar(128) not null, `userid` int(10) unsigned not null, `providertype` enum('facebook','twitter', 'google') not null,  primary key  (`providerkey`) )   engine=myisam  default charset=latin1; 

each login provider provides unique key user. stored in providerkey. providertype contains information login provider providerkey belongs to, , finally, userid column couples information users table. when receive succesful login 1 of login providers find corresponding providerkey in table , use set authentication cookie user in question.

i'm not sure want providertype enum. more correct make table hold these.

when user first registers site, , logs in via facebook, example, have create row in users table. however, there no password, activation_key , resetpassword_key involved. may want move fields separate table, such users table contains core user data, , no data relevant single login mechanism (username/password).

i hope makes sense , points in right direction.



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