api - using unicode in Google translate url from python script -
i'm trying use script automatically using google translate apis russian english. here code.
mytext = {some text in russian} url = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/translate?v=1.0&q='+ mytext +'&langpair=ru%7cen' request = urllib2.request(url, none, {'referer': 'http://www.mysite.org'})
now i've tried using various encodings mytext, including unicode, utf-8, windows-1251 never works. either urllib.request complains of non-ascii characters or google returns error code. idea if need codec?
url = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/translate?v=1.0&q=' \ + urllib2.quote(mytext) + '&langpair=ru%7cen'
to quote text
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