iphone - Game Center score posting/leaderboard creation isn't working -

i'm trying games center work with, no luck. i'm using apple sample code. when go view leaderboard in app, see "unable load" under leaderboard in game center.

things i've checked:

  • my bundle id on itunesconnect same in info.plist
  • that leaderboard set on itunesconnect
  • that leaderboard id correctly entered code
  • #import included in .m file

the code have in .h file:

    int *scoreint;   }  -(ibaction)subscore; -(ibaction)showleader; 

code in .m file:

-(ibaction)subscore {     {         gkscore *scorereporter = [[[gkscore alloc] initwithcategory:@"1234567"] autorelease];         //in tuturial value = scoreint, not label.          //try either i_startpt or finalstarpt         scorereporter.value = scoreint;          [scorereporter reportscorewithcompletionhandler:^(nserror *error) {             if (error != nil)             {                 nslog(@"failed!!!");                 nslog(scoreint);             }         }];     } } -(ibaction)showleader {     gkleaderboardviewcontroller *leaderboardcontroller = [[gkleaderboardviewcontroller alloc] init];     if (leaderboardcontroller != nil)     {         leaderboardcontroller.leaderboarddelegate = self;         [self presentmodalviewcontroller: leaderboardcontroller animated: yes];     } }  - (void)leaderboardviewcontrollerdidfinish:(gkleaderboardviewcontroller *)viewcontroller {     [self dismissmodalviewcontrolleranimated:yes]; } 

any suggestions fantastic! i've looked @ similar errors on stackoverflow haven't found solution has worked.


have signed in local player?

also check make sure you've set according apple's leaderboard checklist.


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