api - Is Facebook Client-Side Flow Authentication Secure? -
to perform user authentication , app authorization in desktop application, follow documentation given on http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/ page.
this in app:
create dialog embedded web browser navigating to`https:// www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=<my_app_id>&scope=offline_access&redirect_uri=http://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html&response_type=token url.
if goes (user logs in , authorizes app), extract access token redirected url , store assuming value obtained long-lived token (notice offline_access permission).
question 1: means finds out app-id , access token can misuse information?
i mean getting app-id simple enough considering app .net based (reflector anyone?). , getting access token if encrypt or whatever not impossible.
question 2: how make whole process secure enough?
yes, imagine security issue; not application, facebook itself. if encrypt key, there need method through application decrypts key (for example, key have stored somewhere in application). issue, assuming encryption perfect , unbreakable, still:
a) extract access token ram while in transit
b) possibly use ssl interceptor program create fakesigned certificate, , decrypt access token. however; likelihood of doing that? why want that?
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