ASP.NET Wizard control downside -
i in process of evaluating wizard control. need collect data different steps, validate data , towards end should able show data summary.
i know group if has used control , issues faced. there usage limitations control?
the wizard control can save lot of plumbing time if use - however, learning use may cost more plumbing time save. if plan reuse it, initial investment in learning idiosyncracies may worth it.
i have built wizard in steps displayed in side bar depend on step @ (and on have done point). follows step go when press next or previous determined dynamically.
to implement this, read lot of stuff dynamically disabling steps, hiding steps, , adding , deleting steps. latter led me deep water viewstate. worth, here basic approach:
you can control steps visible in sidebar setting step id (and title if set) empty string e.g. have step names in arrwizardsteps() , steps defined integer constants, use
= intcredentials intadditional_information wizard1.wizardsteps(i).id = iif(wizard1.activestepindex < i, "", arrwizardsteps(i)) next
if steps relatively independent, can handle sidebarbuttonclick, previousbuttonclick , nextbuttonclick events calling same routine, construct handle leaving current step, , entering next, irrespective of button clicked make transition. example, routine might store data captured controls of current step, , load data controls of next step.
if handle these events, need handle changing activestepindex yourself. wizard increment/decrement activestepindex (depending on button pressed) if don't change (unless set e.cancel=true in handler e wizardnavigationeventargs argument handler).
if code hiding steps needs know destination step need put code in prerender, since @ point wizard have moved next step , know is.
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