iphone - MapView Custom annotation drop -

i trying create custom annotation map. problem have , can't make annotation drop 1 after other. pins drop down @ same time. here delegate code didaddannotations. can me rewrite code can make custom annotations drop 1 after other..just happens when use default annotations. in advance....!!!!

- (void) mapview:(mkmapview *)mapview didaddannotationviews:(nsarray *)views {      cgrect visiblerect = [mapview annotationvisiblerect];       (mkannotationview *view in views) {         cgrect endframe = view.frame;          cgrect startframe = endframe;         startframe.origin.y = visiblerect.origin.y - startframe.size.height;         view.frame = startframe;          [uiview beginanimations:@"drop" context:null];          [uiview setanimationduration:1];          view.frame = endframe;          [uiview commitanimations];     } // end of  } // end of delegate 

you add delay becomes little longer in each iteration of loop, this:

double delay = 0.0; (mkannotationview *view in views) {     cgrect endframe = view.frame;     cgrect startframe = endframe;     startframe.origin.y = visiblerect.origin.y - startframe.size.height;     view.frame = startframe;     [uiview beginanimations:@"drop" context:null];     [uiview setanimationduration:1.0];     [uiview setanimationdelay:delay];     view.frame = endframe;     [uiview commitanimations];     delay += 0.1; } 


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