File associations with Inno-Setup registry -
i have following in swatchdogprc.iss:
(snip) [files] source: "c:\program files\palmone\instapp.exe"; destdir: "{app}"; flags: ignoreversion source: "c:\program files\palmone\instaide.dll"; destdir: "{app}"; flags: ignoreversion source: "c:\program files\palmone\palmcmn.dll"; destdir: "{app}"; flags: ignoreversion source: "c:\program files\palmone\userdata.dll"; destdir: "{app}"; flags: ignoreversion [registry] root: hkcr; subkey: ".prc"; valuetype: string; valuename: ""; valuedata: "swatchdogprc"; flags: uninsdeletevalue root: hkcr; subkey: "swatchdogprc"; valuetype: string; valuename: ""; valuedata: "swatchdog prog"; flags: uninsdeletekey root: hkcr; subkey: "swatchdogprc\defaulticon"; valuetype: string; valuename: ""; valuedata: "{app}\instapp.exe,0" root: hkcr; subkey: "swatchdogprc\shell\open\command"; valuetype: string; valuename: ""; valuedata: """{app}\instapp.exe"" ""%1"""
i'm trying associate .prc files instapp.exe.
my registry entries being read because icon changes in file explorer, , program type changes well. program run when double click on .prc file hasn't changed.
make sure have changesassociations=yes in [setup] section.
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