php - Why does this XML not render in the browser the way I want? -

i want use php create rss mysql. can see content in page source code. can not see item part in web browser(ie, firefox or opera). web browser show

`your rss feed name or website name

a description of feed or site.`

<?php require_once ('mysql_connect.php');      //set xml header     header('content-type: text/xml');      //construct rss feed headers     $output = '<rss version="2.0">';     $output .= '<channel>';     $output .= '<title>your rss feed name or website name</title>';     $output .= '<description>a description of feed or site.</description>';     $output .= '<link></link>';     $output .= '<copyright>your copyright details</copyright>';      //body of rss feed     mysql_select_db("rss", $db);     $result = mysql_query("select * rss limit 15",$db);         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {             $output .= '<item>';                 $output .= '<title>'. $row['title'] .'</title>';                 $output .= '<description>'. $row['content'] .'</description>';                 $output .= '<link>'. $row['link'] .'</link>';                 $output .= '<pubdate></pubdate>';             $output .= '</item> ';         }     mysql_close($db);      //close rss feed     $output .= '</channel>';     $output .= '</rss>';      //send complete rss feed browser     echo($output);  ?> 

the xml source looks like:

<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>your rss feed name or website name</title> <description>a description of feed or site.</description> <link></link> <copyright>your copyright details</copyright>   <item>     <title>milan, italy - september 26: models walk runway @ emi&hellip</title>            <description>date: sep 26, 2009 7:45 pmnumber of comments on photo:0view photo&hellip;</description>     <link></link>     <pubdate></pubdate>   </item>   ... </channel> </rss> 

moving comment answer...

it's not valid xml because of &hellip; entity in <title> , <description> nodes.

wrap strings <![cdata[tag]]> , try again.


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