TSQL - Mapping one table to another without using cursor -

i have tables following structure

create table doc(     id                  int identity(1, 1) primary key,     documentstartvalue  varchar(100) ) create metadata (     documentvalue       varchar(100),     startdesignation    char(1),     pagenumber          int ) go  doc contains     id      documentstartvalue     1000    id-1     1100    id-5     2000    id-8     3000    id-9  metadata contains     documentvalue   startdesignation    pagenumber     id-1            d                   0     id-2            null                1     id-3            null                2     id-4            null                3     id-5            d                   0     id-6            null                1     id-7            null                2     id-8            d                   0     id-9            d                   0 

what need map metadata.documentvalues doc.id

so result need like

id      documentvalue   pagenumber 1000    id-1            0 1000    id-2            1 1000    id-3            2 1000    id-4            3 1100    id-5            0 1100    id-6            1 1100    id-7            2 2000    id-8            0 3000    id-9            0 

can achieved without use of cursor?

something like, sorry can't test

;with rowlist (   --assign rownums each row...     select         row_number() on (order id) rownum,         id, documentstartvalue             doc ), rowpairs (   --this allows pair row previous rows create ranges     select         r.documentstartvalue start, r.id,        r1.documentstartvalue end            rowlist r join rowlist r1 on r.rownum + 1 = r1.rownum ) --use ranges join , data select     rp.id, m.documentvalue, m.pagenumber     rowpairs rp     join     metadata m on rp.start <= m.documentvalue , m.documentvalue < rp.end 

edit: assumes can rely on id-x values matching , being ascending. if so, startdesignation superfluous/redundant , may conflict doc table documentstartvalue


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