depth first search - Java: Solving 15 Puzzle using Fitness functions -
i working on project solve 15 puzzle using fitness functions. there 3 kinds of fitness functions can used,
- fitness function1= 1 - (number of misplaced tiles/total number of tiles);
- fitness function2= 1- (sum of distances of misplaced tiles goal position/64)
- fitness function3= (fitness 2+ fitness 1 )/2
the solver meant search possible moves improves fitness function value until whole puzzle board solved (where fitness function=1). stocked while trying generate moves because solver print unsuccessful search routes along actual route e.g. w,s,w,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n ( in reverse order) , means nwsw. solver searches , forth several times , prints unwanted routes. want exclude visited locations in recursion , print valid moves , not unsuccessful moves. code available below:
<pre><code> enter code here package definitions; public class puzzle { public treenode boardstree; public boolean searching; public int lastpos; puzzle(board b) { boardstree = new treenode(b); lastpos = b.blank_pos; } public string solver(board b, string route, int level, double fitval){ //system.out.println("route in level " + level +": " +route + " fitness: "); //system.out.print(b.f1.getfitnessval()); //if depth of tree level 15 or board solved return route(moves e.g. wns) if(level == 15||b.solved){ //if(route != ""){ //if(route.length()>1){ // return route.substring(0, route.length()-1); //}else{ return route; //} }else{ //create temporary store last position //create 4 auxilliary puzzle boards has child puzzles //perform different moves on blank space on each board in different directions //(n=0,s=1,e=2,w=3) lastpos = b.blank_pos; board auxn = new board(4,b.tileslist); board auxs = new board(4,b.tileslist); board auxe = new board(4,b.tileslist); board auxw = new board(4,b.tileslist); //builds tree //moves north //b.isvalidmove(north=0,south=1,east=2,west=3) if( b.isvalidmove(0)){ //if lastposition (blankposition in parent board) not position of //cell in north moveblank north if(lastpos != (lastpos - 4)){ auxn.moveblank(0); boardstree.addson(0,auxn); if(fitval > boardstree.getson(0).getstate().f1.getfitnessval()){ auxn.print(); searching = false; return route + "n"; } } } //moves south //b.isvalidmove(north=0,south=1,east=2,west=3) if( b.isvalidmove(1) ){ //if lastposition (blankposition in parent board) not position of //cell in north moveblank north if(lastpos != (lastpos + 4)){ auxs.moveblank(1); boardstree.addson(1,auxs); if(fitval > boardstree.getson(1).getstate().f1.getfitnessval()){ auxs.print(); searching = false; return route + "s"; } } } //moves east if( b.isvalidmove(2) ){ if(lastpos != (lastpos + 1)){ auxe.moveblank(2); boardstree.addson(2,auxe); if(fitval > boardstree.getson(2).getstate().f1.getfitnessval()){ auxe.print(); searching = false; return route + "e"; } } } //moves west if( b.isvalidmove(3) ){ if(lastpos != (lastpos -1)){ auxw.moveblank(3); boardstree.addson(3,auxw); if(fitval > boardstree.getson(3).getstate().f1.getfitnessval()){ auxw.print(); searching = false; return route + "w"; } } } //evaluate new states if(searching && b.isvalidmove(0)){ system.out.println("actual: " +auxn.blank_pos+ " previo: "+lastpos ); if(lastpos != auxn.blank_pos){ lastpos = auxn.blank_pos; route = solver(auxn,route + "n", level+1, fitval); //north }else{ //if solution not generated enter recursion find further solutions @ //further depth of tree solver(auxn,route, level+1, fitval); //north } } if(searching && b.isvalidmove(1)){ //system.out.println("actual: " +auxs.blank_pos+ " previo: "+lastpos ); if(lastpos != auxs.blank_pos){ lastpos = auxs.blank_pos; route =solver(auxs,route + "s", level+1, fitval); //north }else{ solver(auxs,route, level+1, fitval); //north } } if(searching && b.isvalidmove(2)){ //system.out.println("actual: " +auxe.blank_pos+ " previo: "+lastpos ); if(lastpos != auxe.blank_pos){ lastpos = auxe.blank_pos; route = solver(auxe,route + "e", level+1, fitval); //north }else{ solver(auxe,route, level+1, fitval); //north } } if(searching && b.isvalidmove(3)){ //system.out.println("actual: " +auxw.blank_pos+ " previo: "+lastpos ); if(lastpos != auxw.blank_pos){ lastpos = auxw.blank_pos; route =solver(auxw,route + "w", level+1, fitval); //north }else{ solver(auxw,route, level+1, fitval); //north } } } return route; } }
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