Which JSR 168 compatible Java web frameworks are there? -
there many java web application frameworks available alternatives when developing jsr 168 portlets? found couple:
that's sven, haven't tried jsf portlet bridge, have been working struts portlet bridge , spring-webmvc-portlet 2 years.
this my own opinion :
i try avoid using struts portlet bridge. it's dead thing still exists because portals had utilized , still built in them. it's quite old, serves purpose, spring-webmvc-portlet - using wouldn't wise. unless struts enthusiast , haven't tried spring-mvc or jsf.
i principle how spring portlet environment integrated servlet env. there everyhing developer needs implemented, except few things
add multipart request support portlet resource requests (spr-7662)
spring portlet mvc - unable return json data @resourcemapping (spr-7344)
with struts bridge end doing tons of low level stuff hide fact, after request hits main portal servlet, becomes "portlet request". spring don't care :-) talking portals liferay, jboss or uportal
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