Window C/C++ Crypto API Examples and tips -
i'm asking question because i've spent best part of day trawling through msdn docs , other opaque sources simple straightforward guidelines on how started windows c/c++ crypto api.
what i'd see example code, typical include paths, linking guidelines, etc, useful really. know imprecise question reckon imprecise answers better none @ all.
i'll ball rolling own meager findings...
here's bunch of examples i've found....
- example c program: listing certificates in store
- example c program: using cryptacquirecontext
- example c program: enumerating csp providers , provider types
- example c code opening certificate stores
- example c program: sending , receiving signed , encrypted message
- example c program: signing hash , verifying hash signature
msdn has these examples scattered around docs
this website provides overview of concepts along cross-platform examples
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