CodeIgniter routes and pagination adding “/page/” to all links -

i’ve implemented pagination following:

$this->load->library('pagination');  $perpage=10; $config['base_url'] = site_url().'news/page'; $config['total_rows'] = $this->news_model->getnews(array('count' => true)); $config['per_page'] = $perpage; $config['uri_segment'] = 3; $config['num_links'] = 8;  $news = $this->news_model->getnews(array('limit' => $perpage,'offset'=>$offset));  $this->pagination->initialize($config); $data['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();  $data['news'] = $news; $data['page'] = "news";  $this->load->view('index', $data); 

i’m using following routes:

$route["news"] = "news/news_list"; $route["news/page"] = "news/news_list"; $route["news/page/(:num)"] = "news/news_list/$1"; $route["news/detail/(:any)"] = "news/news_detail/$1"; 

the problem i’m facing although pagination working fine when go second page or other page after clicking on pagination links - of other links on page /page/ added in front of them -> /page/detail/aaaaaa route $route["news/detail/(:any)"] = "news/news_detail/$1"; can not identify detail link.

why /page/ added of links? need routes pagination?

your $config['base_url'] news/page, that’s why /page added links.

i don’t think need these routes pagination, if want them, should use these routes in $config['base_url'].


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