zend framework - Structuring Zend_Acl and CRUD with Parent/Child Relationships -

i wondering how should structure acl crud parent/child relations.

eg. projects have todolists. todolists have todos

there various controller actions project

  • /projects/add
  • /projects/edit/{projid}
  • /projects/delete/{projid}
  • /todo-lists/add/{projid}
  • /todo-lists/edit/{todolistid}
  • ...

as can see going down hierarchy, actions have ids refer not (eg. todo-lists controller -> todo-list resource) parent

so with have setup (generally), looks this

  • acl controller plugin (predispatch)
    • set role loggedin user or 'unauthenticated'
    • set resource controller name
    • set privilege action name
    • if request param 'id' set, actual entity (i using doctrine orm) implements zend_acl_resource_interface. here complication arises. resource controller name, eg. /todo-lists/add must know parent entity instead (project). setup, have chage privilege to 'addtodolist'. way, project acl assertion class have todolists stuff. there disconnect between controller actions & acl logic. ok?

maybe should have addtodolistaction in projectscontroller instead of todolistscontroller? simplify acl code, won't need check , modify resource/privileges? can take these directly request params (controller & action names).

how setup acl's this?

use zend_acl_assertion , create assertion projectid , todoid. @ time of giving permission do

$myacl->allow($role,'projects','edits',new my_project_assertion()); 

and cannot use action "addtodolistaction" because of captial letters (or define own dispatcher) addtodolistaction wd work;


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