Quartz Integration with Spring -
i have web application , trying start quartz scheduler programmatically in spring. have service class create instance of schedulerfactory , scheduler.
the code follows.
@service("auctionwinnerservice") public class normalauctionwinnerserviceimpl implements auctionwinnerservice { public static final string normal_auction = "normal auction"; public static int normal_auction_counter = 0; private schedulerfactory schedulerfactory; private scheduler scheduler; public void declarewinner(int auctionid, map<string, object> parametermap) { system.out.println("inside declarewinner of normalauctionwinner"); schedulerfactory = new stdschedulerfactory(); try { scheduler = schedulerfactory.getscheduler(); system.out.println("got scheduler : "+scheduler); } catch (schedulerexception e1) { e1.printstacktrace(); } jobdetail jd = new jobdetail(); jd.setname(normal_auction+" job "+normal_auction_counter); jd.setjobclass(normalauctionwinnerjob.class); /** create cron trigger instance **/ crontrigger t = new crontrigger(); t.setname(normal_auction + ++normal_auction_counter); t.setgroup("normal auction"); date d = new date(); date d1 = new date(); d1.setminutes(d.getminutes()+5); t.setstarttime(d); t.setendtime(d1); try { t.setcronexpression("10 * * * * ? *"); scheduler.schedulejob(jd, t); } catch (schedulerexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (parseexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } }
the schedulerfactory , scheduler instantiated jobs not run. point out missing here?
also need 1 instance of factory , 1 scheduler instance. tried making static didn't work. pointers in direction helpful.
unless have specific requirement on quartz's proprietary functionality, recommend getting rid of , using spring's internal scheduling capability. of spring 3, includes support cron-type expressions, similar quartz's cron trigger.
as bringing simplicity application , config, it's inherently more reliable quartz, , provides easier api programmatic usage, via taskscheduler
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