mvc - After installing MVC3, I can't create or open projects for MVC2 on visual studio 2010 -
opening mvc2 projects makes "project not supported" error on visual studio, , can't find template creating new projects mvc2.
i undertand mvc2 new project template not desired after installing mvc3, support editing , maitaining mvc2 projects should still there.
in release notes states: mvc 3 can installed side side mvc 2 on same computer, gives flexibility in choosing when upgrade mvc 2 application mvc 3
i know have mvc1, mvc2 , mvc3 dlls "side side" on gac, i'm still hoping visual studio error error in setup.
if not, ¿is possible upgrade project file , keep contents same, pointing mvc2 dll?
to answer own question after few attempts:
yes, possible upgrade project without altering mvc2. apply step 8 of manual migration procedure on release notes mvc3:
8- locate projecttypeguids element , replace {f85e285d-a4e0-4152-9332-ab1d724d3325} {e53f8fea-eae0-44a6-8774-ffd645390401}.
and reload project.
this should all.
the downside if other people working on project, need install mvc3 too, in order visual studio recognize new project guid.
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