Trigger hudson build when svn commit -

i have set version control system (subversion) going used developers commit , update code (let's address https://server/svn/project ). mention authenticated users able have access project's svn.

on other hand, have installed hudson server project's continuous integration server (address of project server:8080/job/project ) , following:

  • hudson builds triggered automatically when there svn commit.
  • mails sent respective developers (the ones committed code) when committed code doesn't build. (meaning when user commits code doesn't build, user email notification)

just mention have set matrix-based authorization hudson users, because don't want open anyone.

i have seen suggestions post-commit hooks, none of them worked until now.

can suggest me in both issues? specific steps appreciated.

according "building software project # builds changes in subversion/cvs", hudson needs poll svn repo in order detect changes , trigger build.

however, can initiated on each commit svn, in thread.
official script @ subversion plugin page.

repos="$1" rev="$2" uuid=`svnlook uuid $repos` /usr/bin/wget \   --header "content-type:text/plain;charset=utf-8" \   --post-data "`svnlook changed --revision $rev $repos`" \   --output-document "-" \   --timeout=2 \   http://server/hudson/subversion/${uuid}/notifycommit?rev=$rev 

but specified:

for work, your hudson has allow anonymous read access system.
if access control hudson more restrictive, you may need specify username , password, depending on how authentication configured.


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