c# - Items in Datagrid not updating on all clients once ObservableCollection has been updated -

i using sl4, mvvm toolkit, entity framework 4 & wcf ria services. have grid datasource observablecollection<ticket>. ticket oc populated ria service:

private void loadtickets()     {         isbusy = true;         _context.load(_context.getopenticketsforuserquery(session.userid), getticketscallback, null);     }      private void getticketscallback(loadoperation<ticket> lo)     {         listoftickets = (observablecollection<ticket>)lo.entities;     } 

when add new ticket object oc grid shows new item on clients once refreh grid ( every 30 seconds refresh grid each client calling loadtickets() ). works if remove item grid well. however, when update property in ticket object , save ( call submitchanges() on datacontext ) change not show on other clients after refresh grid. have refresh whole page in browser see changes. have read many similar questions on here , must implement inotifypropertychanged on object properties observablecollection.

but, afaik entity framework automatically !? can see properties in model designer.cs , raise propertychanged event when property set. i'm wondering if has fact using ria services ? have tried adding property ticket object ria service metadata , calling raisepropertychanged() event here didn't work either.

[metadatatypeattribute(typeof(ticketmetadata))] public partial class ticket {     internal sealed class ticketmetadata : notifiableobject     {         [required]         [stringlength(255, minimumlength=15)]         public string ticketsummary         {             { return ticketsummary; }             set             {                 ticketsummary = value;                 raisepropertychanged("ticketsummary");             }         }     } } 

can shed light on me? it's driving me crazy!! i'm new silverlight development apologies if stupid question :)

ok - got bottom of this. in load() event need set loadbehaviour

_context.load(_context.getopenticketsforuserquery(session.userid), loadbehavior.mergeintocurrent, getticketscallback, null); 

this has resolved issue.


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