wpf c# load user control in a separate thread -
when user clicks on 1 of available items (modules) available in list use following code create new instance of selected item (user control) , add tabgrouparea .
object uc = activator.createinstance(type.gettype("mynamespace." + selecteditem.parameter1value), selecteditem); infragistics.windows.dockmanager.contentpane contentpane = new infragistics.windows.dockmanager.contentpane(); contentpane.content = uc; tabgrouparea.items.add(contentpane);
the problem have when selecteditem has usercontrols inside initializecomponent() take while complete meanwhile application freeze , user can't thing ,i tried different ways put
object uc = activator.createinstance(type.gettype("mynamespace." + selecteditem.parameter1value), selecteditem);
in separate thread (backgroundworker,thread , delegate) able show user loadin page .but couldn't find anyway . appreciated . thanks.
see this blog post.
catel uses approach pleasewaitwindow.
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