java - How to detect presence and location of JVM on Windows? -
i'm trying detect if there jvm installed , located can run java.exe
all i've managed find hkcu\software\javasoft\java runtime environment\<ver>
. safe assume installed in %programfiles%\java\jre<ver>
i'm trying in c#, assume answer pretty language agnostic, answer appreciated.
edit: ok silly me, found how detect whether java runtime installed or not on computer using c# pointed me @ hklm\software\javasoft\java runtime environment\currentversion
works hklm\software\javasoft\java runtime environment\<ver>\javahome
. managed find these instead underneath hklm\software\wow6432node\javasoft\java runtime environment
. there way detect of these should checking without trying sniff @ cpu type?
i'm going throw hat in ring code i've ended using:
string javadirectory = null; // native registry key - 32b on 32b or 64b on 64b // fall on 32b java on win64 if available registrykey javakey = registry.localmachine.opensubkey("software\\javasoft\\java runtime environment") ?? registry.localmachine.opensubkey("software\\wow6432node\\javasoft\\java runtime environment"); if (javakey != null) { string javaversion = javakey.getvalue("currentversion").tostring(); try { javadirectory = javakey.opensubkey(javaversion).getvalue("javahome").tostring(); } catch(nullreferenceexception) { /* ignore null deref, means can't directory */ } } if (javadirectory == null) { // deal lack of java here. }
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