c++ - Include another CMake Project as Library -

i have decided make c++-qt-gui c program (both languages don’t know), using kdevelop, in turn uses cmake.

the c source has no header, made one, , migrated structs it, declaration of function in c source need call.

the problem can’t call it, because either cmake doesn’t find c file (and hence definition), or, when add c source source set in cmakelists.txt, complains both main.cpp , c source file have main functions.

how tell cmake should make function c file available declared in header?

here it:

project(oregengui) cmake_minimum_required(version 2.6) find_package(qt4 required)  include_directories(${qt_includes} ${cmake_current_binary_dir})  set(oregengui_srcs oregengui.cpp main.cpp qrangeslider/qrangeslider.cpp) #as add oregengui/oregengui.c, won’t work because of main function qt4_automoc(${oregengui_srcs}) add_executable(oregengui ${oregengui_srcs}) target_link_libraries(oregengui ${qt_qtcore_library} ${qt_qtgui_library}) 

ps: don’t want change c source much, since independant project. guess developer accept introduction of header, not more.

i'm bit rusty on this, along lines of:

in oregengui.c

#if !defined myguiproj int main() { ... } #endif 

in cmakelists want both in:

add_definitions( -dmyguiproj ) 

the compiler should ignore second main function.


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