android - Image sd card path from intent gallery -

i starting gallery through intent otherwise giving problem display gallery in grid view. want actual sd card path of image selection gallery, opened intent.

here code..

    intent photopickerintent = new intent(intent.action_get_content);     photopickerintent.settype("image/jpg");     photopickerintent.putextra(intent.extra_stream, uri.parse("file:///sdcard/pictures/image.jpg"));     startactivityforresult(photopickerintent, 1);    protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent intent)      {    super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, intent);            if (resultcode == result_canceled) {            showtoast(this,"activity cancelled");            return;           }            else if(resultcode == result_ok) {                system.out.println("requestcode--"+requestcode);              system.out.println("resultcode--"+resultcode);              system.out.println("data--"+intent.getdata());              uri uri = intent.getdata();              string data = uri.getpath();              system.out.println("uri.getpath()--"+uri.getpath());              system.out.println("type--"+intent.gettype());              system.out.println("path--"+environment.getexternalstoragestate());                   return;                }               switch (requestcode) {                  case camera_activity:                       bundle b = intent.getextras();                      bitmap bm = (bitmap) b.get("data");               //       mimageview.setimagebitmap(bm); // display image in view                       // large image?                        if (b.containskey(mediastore.extra_output)) { // large image?                        log.i(tag, "this large image");                           showtoast(this,"large image");                        // should have nothing big images -- should saved in mediastore ...                  , bm, null, null);                            }                              else {                                log.i(tag, "this small image");                                showtoast(this,"small image");                     , bm, null, null);                            }                           break;                          }                   }                 } 

i getting data intent object. want sd card path image selecting upload image in server..

how that?

you may want this:

uri uri = (uri) intent.getextras().get("");   if ( intent.getaction().equals( intent.action_send ) ) {     if ( uri.getscheme().equals("content"))     {          cursor cursor = getcontentresolver().query( uri, null, null, null, null );         cursor.movetofirst();         filepath = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindexorthrow(;     } } 


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