class - PHP Fatal error: Call to protected method FormValidator::setError() from context '' -
consider poor class:
abstract class formvalidator { private $error_objects = array(); protected function seterror($entry_name,$err_msg) { $this->error_objects[] = new formvalidatorerrorobject($entry_name,$err_msg); } protected function seterrorcurry($entry_name) { $_this = $this; return function($err_msg) use($entry_name,$_this) { return $_this->seterror($entry_name,$err_msg); }; } public function counterrors() { return count($this->error_objects); } public function geterror($index) { return $this->error_objects[$index]; } public function getallerrors() { return $this->error_objects; } abstract function validate(); }
i use in implementing class this:
$seterror = $this->seterrorcurry('u_email'); if(empty($uemail)) { $seterror(uregform_errmsg_email_null); } if(!filter_var($uemail,filter_validate_email)) { $seterror(uregform_errmsg_email_invalid); }
and results in following error:
fatal error: call protected method formvalidator::seterror() context '' ...
question: there way make closure "inherit" class context?
apparently not natively. this manual note suggests rather cumbersome way of using reflection , wrapper class give closures private/protected access functionality though.
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