conversion from mathematica to matlab --> (appendto) -
i have following in mathematica , want use in matlab.i tried have mistakes , can't fixed don't yet matlab philosophy! so,
intmc = {}; sigmat = {}; do[np1 = np + i*100; xpoints = table[randomreal[], {z1, 1, np1}]; a1t = table[f[xpoints[[i2]]], {i2, 1, np1}]; a12 = standarddeviation[a1t]/sqrt[length[a1t]]; appendto[intmc, {np1, mean[a1t], a12}]; appendto[sigmat, {np1, a12}], {i, 1, ntr}];
i did this:
fx=@ (x) exp(-x.^2); intmc=zeros(); sigmat=zeros(); i=1:ntr np1=np+i*100; xpoints=randn(1,np1); k=1:np1 a1t=fx(xpoints(k)) end %--> until here prints results,but in %end gives % me message " attempted access xpoints(2,:); %index out of bounds because size(xpoints)=[1,200] %and stops executing. %a1t=fx(xpoints(k,:)) % -->i tried instead of above %a1t=bsxfun(@plus,k,1:ntr) % doesn't work a12=std(a1t)/sqrt(length(a1t)) intmc=intmc([np1 mean(a1t) a12],:) %--> can't handle these 3 , sigmat=sigmat([np1 a12 ],:) %as said stopped executing end
in order append scalar matlab array, can call either array(end+1) = value
or array = [array;value]
(replace semicolon comma if want 1-by-n array). latter works appending arrays; append arrays former, you'd call array(end+1:end:size(newarray,1),:) = newarray
in case want catenate along first dimension.
however, appending in loops more than, say, 100 iterations, bad idea in matlab, because slow. you're better off pre-assigning array first - or better, vectorizing computation don't have loop @ all.
if understand correctly, want calculate mean , sem growing number of samples normal distribution. here's how can loop:
intmc = zeros(ntr,3); %# stores, on each row, np1, mean, sem sigmat = zeros(ntr,2); %# stores, on each row, np1 , sem i=1:ntr %# draw np+100*i distributed random values np1 = np+i*100; xpoints = randn(np1,1); %# if want use uniform random values (as in randomreal), use rand %# also, can apply f(x) directly on array xpoints %# caculate mean, sem m = mean(xpoints); sem = std(xpoints)/sqrt(np1); %# store intmc(i,:) = [np1, m, sem]; sigmat(i,:) = [np1,sem]; end %# loop on
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