python - Web2py on App Engine Local Environment: Cannot access admin interface -

i have been trying learn web2py use on app engine. cannot seem able access admin interface. (the default page loads, when access access admin interface, url used should (by default)) homepage of web2py

however when click admin interface link page
error admin page web2py on local gae

logging in email id not work.

i have been through tutorial @ however, not talk setting password access admin interface on local app engine environment.(and think out of date)

i have been through web2py book talks setting password access admin environment (when using web2py server, chapter not talk app engine)

have set password access admin interface while deployed on local app engine server? if yes, how?
if not, how access admin interface?
finally, can access admin interface when app deployed on remote gae servers?

you should set admin password during installation process.
check video @ 00:35 or read this doc.


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