javascript - jquery script doesnt work in ie -
when click on thumbnails, script change link , image path of big picture, works fine in browsers, except ) ie
$('.image').click(function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var imagepath = $(this).attr("href"); var newimg = new image; newimg.src = imagepath; newimg.onload = function(){ $('#big_picture2').hide(); $('#big_picture2').attr('src', imagepath); $('.product_image_large').attr('href', imagepath); $('#big_picture2').fadein('slow'); }; });
the html looks this:
<a href="/documents/product/#get_image_big.path#" id="thumb1" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowgroup: 1 } )" class="product_image_large"><img src="/documents/product/#path#" id="big_picture2" border="0" /></a> <a href="/documents/product/#get_product_images.path#" class="image"><cf_get_server_file output_file="product/#get_product_images.path#" title="#get_product_images.detail#" output_server="#path_server_id#" output_type="0" image_width="45" image_height="41"></a>
dont disturbed cf_get_server_file dynamic cold fusion code, works fine.
not sure whether solves whole problem, setting onload
event after defining src
property. calling trouble. other way round.
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