objective c - How to load SIMBL plug-in to the SystemUIServer -

i have experience in developing 2 simbl plug-in.

those working on mac os x 10.6.6 @ moment.

i'm planning make new simbl plug-in modifies behavior of menu extra.

menu belonging systemuiserver.

systemuiserver exists @ place:


bundle identifier of systemuiserver com.apple.systemuiserver.

so add key simbltargetapplications info.plist follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype plist public "-//apple//dtd plist 1.0//en" "http://www.apple.com/dtds/propertylist-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict>  <key>cfbundledevelopmentregion</key>  <string>english</string>  <key>cfbundleexecutable</key>  <string>${executable_name}</string>  <key>cfbundleiconfile</key>  <string></string>  <key>cfbundleidentifier</key>  <string>com.yourcompany.${product_name:rfc1034identifier}</string>  <key>cfbundleinfodictionaryversion</key>  <string>6.0</string>  <key>cfbundlename</key>  <string>${product_name}</string>  <key>cfbundlepackagetype</key>  <string>bndl</string>  <key>cfbundleshortversionstring</key>  <string>1.0</string>  <key>cfbundlesignature</key>  <string>????</string>  <key>cfbundleversion</key>  <string>1</string>  <key>nsprincipalclass</key>  <string></string>  <key>simbltargetapplications</key>  <array>   <dict>    <key>bundleidentifier</key>    <string>com.apple.systemuiserver</string>   </dict>  </array> </dict> </plist> 
  1. build foo.bundle.
  2. copy $home/library/application support/simbl/plugins.
  3. run "killall systemuiserver".
  4. watch log messages console.app.

but foo.bundle won't load systemuiserver when relaunching.

if change bundleidentifier other kind of generic app name, works properly.

what's wrong that?




simbl works cocoa application. systemuiserver not cocoa application. check symbolic link more evidences.


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