c++ - Driver Backup using setupapi -
i'm stuck. cut long story short, task enumerate driver files backup. drivers display adapter driver, use
setupscanfilequeue(queuehandle, spq_scan_use_callbackex,null, dumpdevicedriverscallback,&count,&scanresult)
from setupapi , that's working fine in dumpdevicedriverscallback can source of device driver file , copy backup location 1 one.
however, same function ignore callback system drivers. example "direct memory access controller" can not list of files. funny thing, windows device manager can not find files of system devices.
some special software drivermax , doubledriver can backup driver. so, problem may solved.
anyone can explain me going on here?
there lots of devices installed using what's called "no driver" inf. these infs provide enough information such device manager have info show device (thus avoiding them appear in "unknown devices" category) don't install drivers.
these devices not need drivers because managed either o/s itself, bios, or both. these devices "installed" using machine.inf, has giant list of known no driver devices.
as software claims drivers these devices up, either they're copying inf or they're full of because there's nothing inf up.
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