jquery - ajaxFileUpload have more params than "file" -
can have more param send url: using ajaxfileupload ?
im using $.ajaxfileupload() , when ajax fileupload want pass param too. im passing param called "file" file uploading in it.. settings this:
url:'photo.php?mode=upload', secureuri:false, type: 'post', fileelementid:'file', datatype: 'json', success: function (data, status)
tried adding data: { param : '1' } doesnt pass anything..
data: { 'id': id }
$.ajaxfileupload ( { url: 'samplereportedithandler.html', secureuri: false, fileelementid: 'uploadfile', data: { 'id': '100' } beforesend: function () {}, success: function (data, status) {}, error: function (data, status, e) {} } )
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