c# - WMI retrieve groups that a user is member of? -

this code retrieving local computer info :

        managementobjectsearcher usersearcher = new managementobjectsearcher("select * win32_computersystem");         managementobjectcollection usercollection = usersearcher.get();         string[] sep = { "\\" };         string[] username = usercollection.cast<managementbaseobject>().first()["username"].tostring().split(sep, stringsplitoptions.none);          managementobjectsearcher searcher = new managementobjectsearcher("select * win32_useraccount domain = 'mydomain' , name= '" + username[1] + "'");         managementobjectcollection collection = searcher.get();         writeonlistbox("username: " + (string)collection.cast<managementbaseobject>().first()["name"]);         writeonlistbox("full name: " + (string)collection.cast<managementbaseobject>().first()["fullname"]);         writeonlistbox("description: " + (string)collection.cast<managementbaseobject>().first()["description"]); 

but i couldnt retrieve groups i'm in , email.

after couple of hours on working on solved , answer question,

private string getgroupsforuser(string username)     {         managementobjectsearcher searcher = new managementobjectsearcher("select * win32_groupuser partcomponent=\"win32_useraccount.domain='mydomain',name='" + username + "'\"");         stringbuilder strgroups = new stringbuilder();          foreach (managementobject mobject in searcher.get())         {             managementpath path = new managementpath(mobject["groupcomponent"].tostring());              if (path.classname == "win32_group")             {                 string[] names = path.relativepath.split(',');                 strgroups.append(names[1].substring(names[1].indexof("=") + 1).replace('"', ' ').trim() + ", ");             }         }         return strgroups.tostring();     } 


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