- Why am I having trouble selecting a default radio button on a web page? -
it seems ought dead simple, i'm stuck. i've written code outputs pair of radio buttons:
<p> <label for='chkyapper'>yapper</label> <input type='radio' name='yapper' id='chkyapper' value='yapper' checked='<%=gblyapperchecked %>' /> <br /> <label for='chknonyapper'>non-yapper</label> <input type='radio' name='yapper' id='chknonyapper' value='nonyapper' checked='<%=gblnonyapperchecked %>' />
if (registrationuser.isyapper == 1) { gblyapperchecked = "checked"; gblnonyapperchecked = ""; } else { gblyapperchecked = ""; gblnonyapperchecked = "checked"; }
as expected, 2 radio buttons, "yapper" , "non-yapper". however, when step thru code , see gblyapperchecked "checked" , gblnonyapperchecked "", non-yapper selected default in web browser.
what doing wrong?
updatehere html code appears in browser. "yapper" should selected, "non-yapper" appears selected instead.
<p> <label for='chkyapper'>yapper</label> <input type='radio' name='yapper' id='chkyapper' value='yapper' checked='checked' /> <br /> <label for='chknonyapper'>non-yapper</label> <input type='radio' name='yapper' id='chknonyapper' value='nonyapper' checked='' />
note html "checked" attribute determined being present or not present. see
in particular means if want checked cna have checked
, checked=true
, checked=checked
, on. want not have checked attribute @ if don't want checkbox selected.
i advise structure such as:
<input type='radio' name='yapper' id='chknonyapper' value='nonyapper' <%=registrationuser.isyapper?"":"checked='checked'" %> />
this should eliminate checked attribute entirely dependant on isyapper boolean.
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