cocoa touch - iphone - sliding in animation -
i have uiview animate screen in following way:
imagine looking table top , have envelop , on envelop box. box covers envelop, see small envelop border not covered box. animation envelop sliding down until visible.
i simple animate this, have have view box image, on envelop, cover envelop. idea make without box view. if using application photoshop animate this, make matte (or mask) fixed , make black rectangle want envelop invisible, is, simulate covered box. then, if keep mask fixed, can animate image , appear coming below box, in fact coming region matte black (image invisible) region mate white (image visible).
is possible on ios?
can mask uiimageview or layer , animate layer keeping mask fixed?
check slide down effect here in page
it give , idea of mean...
set clipstobounds
-property of 'mask view' yes
. add 'content view' subview 'mask view' , animate frame of 'content view' slides mask.
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