sql - ADsDSOObject query: Columns available when querying the LDAP? -
i writing vbscript query adsdsoobject, , don't quite understand structure of ldap. see how find available virtual tables in active directory, can't find available virtual columns.
also, if "select * from", returns adspath. i'd select more "name", "type", , "description" objectclass='computer' group.
dim objcomparr dim currcomp objcomparr = array() currcomp = -1 set objconnection = createobject("adodb.connection") set objcommand = createobject("adodb.command") objconnection.provider = "adsdsoobject" objconnection.open "active directory provider" set objcommand.activeconnection = objconnection objcommand.commandtext = "select name 'ldap://dc=mydomain,dc=com' objectclass = 'computer'" objcommand.properties("page size") = 1000 objcommand.properties("searchscope") = ads_scope_subtree set objrecordset = objcommand.execute if not objrecordset.eof objrecordset.movefirst until objrecordset.eof currcomp = currcomp + 1 redim preserve objcomparr(currcomp) objcomparr(currcomp) = objrecordset.fields("name") objrecordset.movenext loop end if
it's easiest visually browse ad ldap browser beforehand (like the 1 softerra, adsiedit microsoft or active directory explorer sysinternals).
you able see available properties on object there , craft query accordingly.
surname called sn
example, first name givenname
, login samaccountname
, name few.
you can query properties not set (or not defined). not error, ldap designed extensible , not every property defined on every object. empty columns result.
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