visual studio - Get Process Username c++ -

i making taskmanager app. windows,i can system processes,now want process's username.i got code net.

void enabledebugprivileges() {     handle hcurrent=getcurrentprocess();     handle htoken;     bool bret=openprocesstoken(hcurrent,40,&htoken);     luid luid;     bret=lookupprivilegevalue(null,se_load_driver_name, &luid);     token_privileges newstate,previousstate;     dword returnlength;     newstate.privilegecount =1;     newstate.privileges[0].luid =luid;     newstate.privileges[0].attributes=2;     adjusttokenprivileges(htoken,false,&newstate,28,&previousstate,&returnlength); }  char *getprocessusername(handle *phprocess, bool bincdomain)  {     static char sname[300];     handle tok = 0;     handle hprocess;     token_user *ptu;     dword nlen, dlen;     char name[300], dom[300], tubuf[300], *pret = 0;     int iuse;      //if phprocess null process handle of     //process.     hprocess = phprocess?*phprocess:getcurrentprocess();      //open processes token     if (!openprocesstoken(hprocess,token_query,&tok)) goto ert;      //get sid of token     ptu = (token_user*)tubuf;     if (!gettokeninformation(tok,(token_information_class)1,ptu,300,&nlen)) goto ert;      //get account/domain name of sid     dlen = 300;     nlen = 300;     if (!lookupaccountsida(0, ptu->user.sid, name, &nlen, dom, &dlen, (psid_name_use)&iuse)) goto ert;       //copy info our static buffer     if (dlen && bincdomain) {     strcpy(sname,dom);     strcat(sname,"");     strcat(sname,name);     } else {     strcpy(sname,name);     }     //set our return variable     pret = sname;      ert:     if (tok) closehandle(tok);     return pret; } int main(){     enabledebugprivileges();     dword dwpid=3436;             handle  hprocess_i = openprocess(process_query_information, false, dwpid);     printf("%s",getprocessusername(&hprocess_i,0)); } 

its working system , curr. user processes not network service , local services , got null string.please tell how can usernames of these processes too. thanks.

iirc there's separate pseudo account called localservice, not in normal security system (hence null string). there's networkservice account.


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