xamarin.ios - MonoTouch.Dialog: AccessoryViews -

i need put check beside row, when using override of course below warning. in monotouch.dialog enable check?

public override uitableviewcellaccessory accessoryforrow (uitableview tableview, nsindexpath indexpath) {          return uitableviewcellaccessory.checkmark; (for row of course, simplified here) } 

warning: using legacy cell layout due delegate implementation of tableview:accessorytypeforrowwithindexpath: in please remove implementation of method , set cell properties accessorytype and/or editingaccessorytype move new cell layout behavior.

this method deprecated, , instead if need use this, need configure uitableviewcells accordingly setting accessorytype , accessoryview properties on it.

just create new element class implements behavior need, check recent blog on patterns building elements:



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