How to open an external web page from a Wicket modal dialog -
i have modal dialog in wicket contains link. need open external web page (for example, clicking on link. target of link set dynamically. how can this?
i think question hasn't been clear(i apologize that). need open web page modal dialog. actually, can explain problem in example of modal dialog @don roby has proposed me ( if click "show modal dialog page" link in example, there shown modal dialog link called "open modal dialog". clicking on link, want open web page (for example: question is: how open web page in situation?
you can use pagecreator (instead of setcontent()), , return redirectpage:
modalwindow modal = new modalwindow("modal"); modal.setpagecreator(new modalwindow.pagecreator() { @override public page createpage() { return new redirectpage(""); } }); add(modal);
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